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방 우 송 Woo Song Bang

학 력
- 조선대학교 미술대학 조소과 졸업
- The City College of City University of New York 미술학, 석사(MFA) 졸업
- 중부대학교 정보과학과 영상커뮤니케이션 디자인 전공 공학박사 수료

2010 ▪ 디지털-드로잉(갤러리 여울, 대구)
2008 ▪ 인생- 여행 (지산갤러리, 광주)
2006 ▪ 삶_죽음 그리고 선물 (지산갤러리, 광주)
2005 ▪ Eyes (Pleiades Gallery, New York,뉴욕)
2003 ▪ 혼돈과 질서 (Pleiades Gallery, New York,뉴욕)
2002 ▪ 이것은 슈퍼맨도 아니고... (FGS Gallery, Fort Lee, 뉴저지)
          ▪ 무제 (Pleiades Gallery, New York, 뉴욕)
2001 ▪ 시간의 화법 1+4 (Space World Gallery, Long Island City, 뉴욕)
2000 ▪ 곤충채집,:창문 안에서 (im n iL Gallery, Greenpoint, 뉴욕)
          ▪ 과거와 현재 (Historic Oella Mill Gallery, Ellicott City, 메릴랜드)
1999 ▪ 자연/영원한 삶 (Compton Goethals Gallery, New York, 뉴욕)
1998 ▪ 거주 작가 전 (Art Gallery, Art Metropolitan Montessori School,
New York,뉴욕)

주요 단체전 (국내외 초대 및 단체전 200여회 이상)

2016 ▪ 조선대학교 70주년 전시회(조선대학교 박물관, 광주)
2015 ▪ ICCC 2015 International Digital Design Invitation Exhibition,(The Pacific Sutera Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,Malaysia)
2014 ▪ Heritag, Legacy and Light (UNESCO 본부, 파리)
           ▪ 은암미술관 기획초대전 이방인전(광주, 은암미술관)
2013 ▪ 7인의 오브제objet적-칠면조 七面鳥전(순천만 국제정원박람회 내)
           ▪ 광주국제미디어아트 페스티벌((구) 전남도청)
           ▪ 광주미디어아트 특별전(신세계갤러리)
2012 ▪ 2012 여수 국제아트페스티벌(전남대 아트센터)
           ▪ 2012 여수세계박람회 기념 한․중․일 미술초대전 (여수 예울마루 전시장)
2011 ▪ 광주 미디어 아트 Now (광주 빛고을 시민문화관, 미디어큐브 338)
2010 ▪ 쏠라이클립스전시(롯데갤러리 광주)
2009 ▪ New Media 전 (갤러리 자리아트, 광주)
2008 ▪ International Digital Invitation Exhibition (항주 절강대, 중국)
2007 ▪ 우리땅 우리민족의 숨결 (광주시립민속발물관, 광주)
2006 ▪ 2006 대한민국 청년 비엔날레 (대구문화예술회관, 대구)
           ▪ 2006광주비엔날레 열풍변주곡 미술오케스트라 (광주시립미술관)
2005 ▪ 열다섯마을 이야기 (광주도청, 광주)
           ▪ 2005 현대미술 영상&설치전(대구 문화예술회관, 대구)
2004 ▪ 제1회 백악조각회 초대전 (광주시청, 광주)
2003 ▪ 국제대학교수초대전 (부천 복사골 문화센터, 부천)
2002 ▪ 반작용 (Exit Art / The First Art, New York, 뉴욕)
           ▪ 디아스포라, 다른 부분: 뉴욕 (473 Broadway Gallery, New York,뉴욕)
2001 ▪ 공통적인 융해 (450 Broadway Gallery, New York, 뉴욕)
2000 ▪ 니오 (Neo) (Exit Art / The First World, New York, 뉴욕)
           ▪ 멀고도 가까운 (Asian American Arts Centre, New York, 뉴욕)
           ▪ 인식할 수 있는 대상들 (Korean Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 캘리포니아)
1999 ▪ 정제/ 3인 초대전 (Gallery Korea / Korean Cultural Center, New York, 뉴욕)
           ▪ 제22회 작은 작품전 (80 Washington Square East Gallery, New York, 뉴욕)


▪ 예총예술문화상
▪ 전남예술인의 날 공로상
▪ 새하얀문화상
▪ 새하얀문화예술지도자상
▪ 국제디지털디자인초대전 우수작품학술상
▪ Fabri Award (The City College of City University of New York, 뉴욕)
▪ 제 22회 작은 작품전, Ronald Feldman 심사위원상 수상(80 Washington Square Gallery) New York, 뉴욕


▪ 정수미술대전 심사위원
▪ 삼성현미술대전 심사위원
▪ 익산국제 돌문화 프로젝트 익산돌조각 공모전 심사위원
▪ 대한민국 새하얀미술대전 심사위원
▪ 정읍박물관 건립사업 건축설계 및 전시물 제작설치 제안공모 심사위원
▪ 구례군 종합사회복지관 야간경관 조명 제작설치 사업 제안서 심사위원
▪ 순천미술대전 심사위원
▪ 조달청 해남 공룡박물관 4D 입체 영상관 제작설치 기술평가 심사위원
▪ 소사벌 미술대전 운영위원, 전국 성산미술대전 운영위원
▪ 수원 화성주변 경관(간판) 개선사업 평가위원등 다수의 심사, 평가, 운영위원 참여

- 현 예원예술대학교 애니메이션학과 교수
- 현 (사)한국콘텐츠학회 이사
- 현 (사)한국애니메이션학회 이사
- 현 (사)한국미협 이사

주소 및 연락처

주소 전남 순천시 별량면 신간동길 13, 핸드폰 010-9174-3168


- Graduated from the College of Fine Arts at Chosun University with a major in Sculpture
- Earned MFA at the City College of City University of New York with a major in Fine Arts
- Completed the Ph.D. Program at Department of Information Science, Joongbu University with a major in Visual Communication Design


Solo Shows
2010 ∙ Digita-Drawing (Gallery yeoul, Daegue)
2008 ∙ Life - Journey (Jisan gallery, Gwangju)
2006 ∙ Life_Death & Gift (Jisan gallery, Gwangju)
2005 ∙ Eyes (Pleiades Gallery, New York, New York)
2003 ∙ Order & Choas (Pleiades Gallery, New York, New York)
2002 ∙ It is not a superman. (FGS Gallery, Fort Lee, New Jersey)
         ∙ Untitled (Pleiades Gallery, New York, New York)
2001 ∙ New sort of Art for Time 1+4 (Space World Gallery, Long Island City, New York)
2000 ∙ Insect Collection : In the Window (im n iL Gallery, Greenpoint, New York)
         ∙ Then and Now (Historic Oella Mill Gallery, Ellicott City, Maryland)
1999 ∙ The Etenal Life (Compton Goethals Gallery, New York, New York)
1998 ∙ Resident Exhibition
         ​(Art Gallery, Art Metropolitan Montessori School, New York, New York)

Major Group Shows
2016 ∙ Chosun University Art 70years (Chosun University Museum, Gwangju)
2015 ∙ ICCC 2015 International Design Invitation Exhibition (The Pacific Hotel, Malaysia)
2014 ∙ Heritage, Legacy and Light (UNESCO, Paris)
2013 ∙ Gwangju Media Art Special Exhibition (Sinsegae Gallery, Gwangju)
2012 ∙ 2012 Yeosu International Art Festival (Jeannam University Art Center, Yeosu)
2011 ∙ Gwangju Media Art Now (Media Cube 338, Gwangju)
2010 ∙ Sola Eclipse (Lotte Gallery, Gwangju)
2009 ∙ New Media' Exhibition (Gari Art Gallery, Gwangju)
2008 ∙ International Digital Invitation Exhibition (Zhejiang Univeristy, Kangzhou, China)
2007 ∙ China-Korea Friendship Cities Art Exchange Exhibition (Shenzhen, China)
2006 ∙ Korea Youth Biennale in 2006 (Daegu Culture and Arts Center, Daegu)
           ∙ Gwangju Biennale 2006, 'Fever variations' (Gwanju Museum of Art, Gwangju)
           ∙ Contemporary Art Video & Installation in 2005 (Daegu Art Center, Daegu)
2004 ∙ The 1st Invitational Exhibitions of Baekak Sculptors' Society
           (Gwangju City Hall, Gwangju)
2003 ∙ Kookje College Faculty Invitational Exhibition
           (Bucheon Boksagol Culture Center, Bucheon)
2002 ∙ Reaction (Exit Art / The First Art, New York)
           ∙ Diaspora, Different : New York (473 Broadway Gallery, New York)
2001 ∙ New sort of Art (Space World Gallery, L.I.C)
2000 ∙ Neo (Exit Art / The First World, New York)
1999 ∙ Challenge in the New Millennium (Seoul Arts Center, Seoul)
           ∙ Refined (Gallery Korea / Korean Cultural Center, New York)
           ∙ The 23nd Student Exhibition (National Arts Club, New York)
           ∙ The 22nd Small Work Exhibition(80 Washington Square East Gallery, New York, New York)
1998 ∙ The Small Works (2/20 Gallery, New York)
*In addition to the above-mentioned exhibitions, more than 200 times of invitational exhibitions in Korea and overseas


2009 ∙ Jeollanam-do Province Governor's Award
           ∙ Achievement Award (The Federation of Artistic & Cultural Organizations of Korea)
           ∙ Achievement Award (Youth Patrol, Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs)
           ∙ Beopum Cultural Scholarship Award (Beopum Cultural Scholarship Foundation)
           ∙ Saehayan Cultural Award (Sangmyung University)
           ∙ Achievement Award (Korea Arts & Culture Education Service)
2008 ∙ Letters of Commendation for excellence in faculty evaluation (Yewon Arts University)
           ∙ Saehayan Culture & Arts Leadership Award (Daegu Haany University)
2007 ∙ Distinguished Scholar Award, International Digital Design Invitational Exhibition (The Korea Contents Association)
2000 ∙ Fabri Award
           (The City College of City University of New York, New York)
1999 ∙ The 22nd Student Exhibition, The Stephen Slobadin Award
           (National Arts Club, New York, New York)
           ∙ Therese McCabe Ralston Connor Award
           (The City College of City University of New York, New York)
           ∙ The 22nd Small Works Exhibition, Ronald Feldman Juried Award
           (80 Washington Square Gallery, New York, New York)
1998 ∙ Therese McCabe Ralston Connor Award
           (The City College of City University of New York, New York)


- Reviewed in The New York Times, Arts in New York, Japan Art Pocketbook, Segye-ilbo Newspaper; America edition, Jungang-ilbo Newspaper; America edition, Hankook-ilbo Newspaper; America edition, Misulsagae Art Monthly Magazine,  World Television (Cable TV in New York), etc.
- Selected as one of Korean-American Artists in the 21st century and exhibited at Space World Gallery in New York with other 31 Korean-American artists including Nam June Paik


∙Professor at Yewon Arts University
∙Chairman of Gwangju & Jeolla Regional Committee, National Education Committee for Cartoon and Animation
∙Executive Director of the Korea Contents Association and Chairman of Design and Exhibition Planning Committee
∙A Member of Gwangyang Fine Arts Association

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